Monday, January 28, 2013

Less is more..

I stumbled across this pic on Pinterest and I thought YES this needs to be posted! This is to concrete my 2013 motto for the year. I hope I get to really reflect on it throughout the year too..
Today is fitting to post this as it's my last day as a 'full time mum'.. I am feeling a little excited to be back in the world so to speak, and a little emotional that things are changing. Lily will be in part time care with a Nanny share arrangement from this week, and I am going back to work for 3 days.
I know it will be a hard adjustment, mostly for me! but I also am excited about what this new year will bring.
It will make our 2 weekdays together extra special and now that she is getting older I look forward to helping her discover, learn and enjoy the world around her. She is turning into a clever, funny and absolutely delightful human being and my life is so much richer for having her in it...


  1. So sweet, Sarah! Hope the days back working are good ones - and the days with Lily are even better. xx

  2. Aw Sarah, that's so beautiful! I can't imagine how hard it must be to go back to work - you are very brave! I hope all goes well in the transition xx

  3. Thank you so much Megan & Jo, sweet ladies x
