Saturday, February 16, 2013

Beci Orpin x UO collaboration

So I am pretty slow at posting about this, as it's already circuited design blogs, but I don't really care.. I LOVE it and wanted to share. Beci Orpin's collaboration of homewares with Urban Outfitters. Such a great fun collection..

Monday, January 28, 2013

Less is more..

I stumbled across this pic on Pinterest and I thought YES this needs to be posted! This is to concrete my 2013 motto for the year. I hope I get to really reflect on it throughout the year too..
Today is fitting to post this as it's my last day as a 'full time mum'.. I am feeling a little excited to be back in the world so to speak, and a little emotional that things are changing. Lily will be in part time care with a Nanny share arrangement from this week, and I am going back to work for 3 days.
I know it will be a hard adjustment, mostly for me! but I also am excited about what this new year will bring.
It will make our 2 weekdays together extra special and now that she is getting older I look forward to helping her discover, learn and enjoy the world around her. She is turning into a clever, funny and absolutely delightful human being and my life is so much richer for having her in it...

Wednesday, January 2, 2013


I stumbled across Annika on Pinterest and I was gasping for air. Such adorable clothing for little girls, oh my! The photos are styled so beautifully. It's a darling little Korean label, unfortunately doesn't look like you can buy it online. Maybe that is a good thing :)

Hello New Year

Well it's been a massive year! I posted this pic up on my Instagram yesterday of my New Years Day 2012, next to my New Years Day 2013..
It's been quite the journey into motherhood, and I am still amazed that I am a mum! It has also been 1 whole year that I have started this blog. Whilst I set out to blog alot more than I actually did, I am still proud that I am back at it. I don't think I realised how full on being a mum would actually be, so this year my new years goals are alot simpler.
Less is more, is my motto for 2013. Whilst I still have a few creative things I would like to do, most of all I just want to simplify my life and concentrate on the things I have. I've always wanted to achieve a million things in a year, and I always set out to do waaay too much. Something that 2012 taught me was to slow down, and enjoy the little things in life. So I will do just that..
What are your new year goals??